Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wait what when did time pass?

So apparently I am really bad at time (actually I'm convinced it has something to do with the TARDIS and amnesia) and we're flying to California! Tomorrow! I thought we were going in like a week or something but apparently not!

This is actually really bad timing because A) I have just started really seriously working on The Scamble (work that requires me to write shit down, in fact), B) I have just started to get used to my new self-appointed duties as raspberry picker and processor and C) I don't really feel like traveling at all after that trip to Ireland.

Nonetheless we are leaving tomorrow for California and will be there for a week or so (not sure how many days exactly).
I will bring my tablet and computer but I still have a feeling this will mess up my work on The Scamble (and the El Paso AMV though it was barely being worked on in the first place), which sucks because I've just gotten into the groove of this whole "writing down the mechanics of the world" thing.

Can you tell I'm not that enthusiastic about this trip?

I'm sure it will be nice when we get there, though, and I'm looking forwards to the ocean and stuff.

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