Thursday, June 28, 2012


I've been watching a ton of Supernatural lately, and since I love paintings, painting, wolverines, and Cas and Dean, I decided to draw one last thing before we head off to Ireland without my precious computer and tablet (or any real drawing supplies at all).

So here you go, wolverinified Castiel and Dean. Inspired mainly by the episode "Free to be You and Me" and especially that scene where Cas appears in Dean's mirror, a few inches a way from him, and Dean turns to him and says: "Cas, we've talked about this. Personal space?"

Yes I might kind of ship them. I want them to go hunting together more! They're such a hilarious and adorable duo.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


So we're going to Ireland and England in a couple of days.

So I'll be pretty internet-less from the 29th of June to the 16th of July.

Not that that will make a difference here since this blog has once again become slightly abandoned.

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Little preview of the animation I'm working on. It's looking good so far, I think, even though I have no idea what I'm doing.

Now, for a completely different topic, somewhere I must have lost my Californian resistance to heat because it's way too hot outside for me. A few seconds in the sun and I'm sweating buckets. I like the food and green growing stuff of summer, but the heat is something I wont miss once winter is here again. Augh.

Oh, and I quartered a chicken today, with a little help from the interwebs and my dad. A lot easier than a rabbit to cut up, that's for sure!