Saturday, September 1, 2012

Doctor Who Tour de Fat!

Just came back from biking in the Tour de Fat!

It was great, and we did end up managing to get all our costumes together so we went as a big Doctor Who group.

My dad was the TARDIS, my mom was a weeping angel, I was Amy Pond (I think I was the least necessary or recognizable of the group and I had to wear a miniskirt and high heels so in hindsight I wish I'd gone as a female Castiel XD) and my brother was the Tenth Doctor.

There were a surprising amount of DW fans around, IMO, and people were either shouting stuff about police boxes and police (if they didn't know about Doctor Who) or shouting about DW and the Doctor and stuff. We even met a guy who showed us his tattoo of the TARDIS going through a wormhole on his side. It was really cool, a good way to see just how many people were fans of DW!

So anyway. I had a lot of fun, I definitely want to do this again next year (without the uncomfortable and inconvenient costume).