Thursday, August 30, 2012

Back home!

(This is a post from yesterday, written on the flight home, with the assumption that we would have internet when we got back, though we did not. So it’s a little late to be posting, but better late than never. Plus, I’ve been neglecting this blog too much).

Well, we’re finally (almost, actually, since I’m writing this on the plane, via Word document) home and it’s time to reminisce about the trip.

All in all, it was great. We got to go to the pool, the beach, the zoo, Disneyland, the old neighborhood, and to just hang out in California for a week. I brought my tablet so I drew a bit (though no animating got done, I’ll have to catch up on that once we’re home and I have an actual drawing setup) and I also continued to work on The Scamble, which I will talk about more in a bit, though just sort of idly messing around with ideas for it rather than trying to work stuff out since most of the time I was too busy with other things.
It was hot, of course, and I could live with the heat but it was not enjoyable. We went to the beach a couple of times, and it was great swimming in the water and being in the waves, and we went to the pool too, though that was less exciting and get-buffeted-around-by-water-y. Basically, we did plenty of water-related things to survive the 95-or-so degree temperatures.  

We visited all the old haunts, the Wild Animal Park (now named the Safari Park and unfortunately very disappointing), went on a walk along the shallow river in Fallbrook (though the paths were eroded and without Fang, who died a couple weeks ago, it was lacking) and, of course, spent a day at Disneyland (which has remained the same and was great).

Oh, and I saw a live coyote, a dead coyote, some big owl with feathery ears (possibly a great horned owl, though I’m not sure what their range is), plenty of lizards and other small birds, heard a rattlesnake, and of course saw tons of animals at the zoo.

Now I’m on the plane to home, gazing out over some dry, tan-colored desert-y place, possibly California or maybe Utah (I suck at geography, however, so if we were flying over the moon I might not know) and thinking about various creative and homestead-related projects.

I’m dreading all the processing work that surely awaits us at home (not to mention my stupid fall allergies), and the backlog of fruits and vegetables to be picked and preserved (there’ll be tomatoes to sauce, raspberries to pick and freeze, zucchini to harvest and dump on unsuspecting neighbors, and maybe even corn or onions or potatoes to process, who knows). We also have the half (or maybe quarter, I’m not completely sure) a pig that we bought from a local small farm here waiting for us when we get home, and while I’m looking forwards to being able to eat pork and bacon and ham and such (since lately it’s been nothing but hamburgers, and for the past week in California I’ve been almost 100% vegetarian*) but it’s going to be a challenge because we’ll have to learn how to make the bacon ourselves (which sounds like a fun and terrifying adventure at the same time) .
 *I’ve been eating meat only if I know where it comes from, nothing store-bought.

We’ll also be home just two days before the Tour De Fat bike race (in which people dress up in crazy costumes and bike around  town) and we have a great group costume theme thingymagig planned, all Doctor Who related, me being Amy, my brother being the tenth doctor (because he has some strange grudge against the eleventh or something, I don’t really know), my dad being a dalek and my mom being a weeping angel (with the TARDIS being pulled behind us on the bike trailer).
However, since we have only two days and we have barely anything done I expect to end up going as Castiel, from Supernatural, (this year’s Halloween costume) since I already have a trenchoat about the right color and of course a tie, white shirt and black pants are easy to come by. I probably shouldn’t be so pessimistic, but at the very least we’ll be able to go as a half-completed Superwho group.

(Sort of) speaking of Halloween, November is coming soon (though I can hardly believe it’s almost fall again) and I was excited to realize that I might have a story to write for NaNoWriMo again (which is great, because I was completely out of story ideas all summer and feeling like I wouldn’t have any stories to write for NaNo), the Scamble!
Of course, I have to finish working on the world and characters and premise and finally plot in two months but now my goal is to have the world and story (though I’m not sure how I’m gonna write it, I was sort of thinking of making it a series-like thing with separate books for all of the Scamblers’ adventures) finished by November. And I think once we get home I’ll have enough time to really work through the current snag I’ve hit! (And even if I don’t get a plotline finished before NaNo, I think this is the sort of story where I might be able to try and write it as I go, without any storyline whatsoever).
Even if I don’t get even the world finished before November, I think I still want to try to write for NaNoWriMo, and I will probably just end up kidnapping some of my half-completed characters and throwing them into some sketchily-built world and hope it works (which, now that I say it, sounds like a horrible idea but a lot of Wrimos write that way, right?).

Either way, I’m pretty excited about November, and heck, even winter (more time for artistic work, and it’s perfect timing as I’ve started to want to work more and more on improving my writing and drawing just this last week) despite the short, cold, greenery-less days it brings.

So, I suppose I should actually introduce the Scamble more now, which is the current name of a story/world mix project I’ve been working on for exactly (unless I am wrong in which case I am extremely sorry about my horrid math skills) eighteen days now.

It started out one day as one of those great flash-of-inspiration things that never actually happens to anyone (except this time it did) where pretty much the whole world and premise for the story and characters just appeared out of the blue (in the case of the Scamble, while doodling a completely unrelated  scribble of the vaguely-mammalian creature at the top of this post) on the 12th of August at, if I had to guess, 1:00-2:00 PM (I know this because I drew it right as we were leaving to go to a concert). After the initial flash of inspiration I only had to work a bit on the mechanics of the world (which were already thought up, previous little ideas for how magic would work and for how animal-people might look that I’d thought about but never had a world to use them in) before moving on to characters (the current challenge for me and the bane of my existence) and just exactly what the Scamble is.
Ah, the Scamble. I’m not quite sure myself what it is, but I suppose I should explain the basic idea behind it.

It is a sort of, magic store. A junkyard for magical objects, Robert or Maggie might call, but really what they do is they retrieve, find, repair or destroy magical and cursed objects (find or repair in the case of the former and destroy in the case of the latter).

Yes, in the Scamble world (which at the moment is modern-day earth) there is magic (and animal people, called fen), and it is a very valuable thing (or rather, magical objects and other minor magical things like spellbinds and charms are) but also a very dangerous thing, in the case of curses, cursed objects, and pain magic, or even fire and accidental magic.

I still have yet to get all the characters worked out, or exactly what the people at the Scamble do (or what is even needed for people to do) and whether or not they are related to the government at all, and I’ve started to stray pretty close to Warehouse 13 territory, I think, so I’ve been sort of cautiously tiptoeing ahead, afraid to make any big decisions about the story or world (which is like being afraid to go out of the house in case you are locked out even when you have the keys in your hand) but once I get home I’ve promised myself I’ll work on it more, and more seriously, and I’ll not be afraid to be decisive about the world and what goes and what stays.

Basically, California is great, but it’s also gonna be great to be back home, and it’s really, really great to be finally back to working on stories and worlds and writing!

So, as I look out the airplane window over shadowy canyons and red, scrubby hills crisscrossed with winding roads obscured by the occasional white wisp of a cloud (can you tell I love flying and being able to get a bird’s eye view of everything?), I bid you few people reading this goodbye, and good luck writing (or drawing or singing or dancing or sculpting or picture-taking or sewing or anything-ing)!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Wait what when did time pass?

So apparently I am really bad at time (actually I'm convinced it has something to do with the TARDIS and amnesia) and we're flying to California! Tomorrow! I thought we were going in like a week or something but apparently not!

This is actually really bad timing because A) I have just started really seriously working on The Scamble (work that requires me to write shit down, in fact), B) I have just started to get used to my new self-appointed duties as raspberry picker and processor and C) I don't really feel like traveling at all after that trip to Ireland.

Nonetheless we are leaving tomorrow for California and will be there for a week or so (not sure how many days exactly).
I will bring my tablet and computer but I still have a feeling this will mess up my work on The Scamble (and the El Paso AMV though it was barely being worked on in the first place), which sucks because I've just gotten into the groove of this whole "writing down the mechanics of the world" thing.

Can you tell I'm not that enthusiastic about this trip?

I'm sure it will be nice when we get there, though, and I'm looking forwards to the ocean and stuff.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Bikes and Bows

Got a new bike today - finally.

I haven't ridden one in so long, years probably, so it was weird to just go out, buy one, and start riding again.
I like how much easier it is to bike and how little effort it takes to go so far, and especially now with my fall allergies it's better than running because I don't get as much pollen and crap in my lungs, but I still don't really like it as much as running - it's a bit nerve-wracking and hard for me to control a bike, and not as nice as running in that way (I almost crashed twice trying to navigate small spaces) and it isn't as fun as running, for me. I guess it doesn't do the whole endorphin release thing that running does (if running does do that, I don't remember)? But it still was a workout (for me especially because I'm way too out of shape) and it was really great biking around up to other neighborhoods with the view of the plains there.

After biking my dad and brother went out back to shoot arrows, and I joined them. It fun and challenging (and a little scary once you realize that despite the dull, practically nonexistent tip the arrows we were using could still go through cloth and probably skin). I finally got the hang of it after about maybe 20 shots and actually hit (and got the arrow to stick into) the target. I did however whack the inside of my arm plenty of times with the bowstring until I managed a good stance. I've got a nice big bruise on the inside of my elbow now. Despite that, I want to practice more - it was fun and archery like a nice hobby/skill, even if I'm only derping around in the backyard with a bow we got off of craigslist.

Well, anyway, not much else to write about. It's been nice out the last couple of days, not blisteringly hot like it's been most of the summer. I also saw the first Canada Geese since spring today, the first big sign of winter. I've just gotten into the groove of summer and it's almost fall. Figures.

I've been slacking a little less working on the rabbit cages and the first one is closeishkindofnotreallybutnottotallyveryextremelyfarawayatleast from being done, and I think I might've just managed to work out the big snarl of character creation with the Scamble (a new story I've been working on) and hopefully there won't be many more tangles with that. Art-wise I haven't animated anything in a while and I keep telling myself I'll finally work on that genderswapped Psych minicomic I have thumbnailed out and ready to go, but I don't do anything and I just keep feeling more and more guilty about not drawing or or being horrible at art. Which of course makes me want to draw even less. Ugh. I wish my inner asshole/slavedriver/nitpickingsonofabitch would just let me do whatever I want without guilting me about it all the time (even if all I want to do is watch Teen Wolf) >:I

And, uh, yeahhhh... I finished watching Supernatural a while ago and since my Tumblr dash has been covered in Teen Wolf stuff lately I decided to try and watch it, despite the name. I still feel kind of embarrassed and idiotic when I say "I'm a fan of Teen Wolf", even though I like the show and I think the general consensus is that it's a good one.

Anyway, yeah, life is average to good here. Just pretty uneventful.
- Willow

Sunday, August 5, 2012

More fruit is being harvested, more work is being procrastinated on, and more chickens are being raised.

The first whispers of fall are here, in the form of cooler days and nights, and dew on the grass in the morning. I'm glad for a break from the unusually stifling heat but sad to know that summer will be over soon, and it's a bit of a shock to realize it's August already.

The raspberries have started to produce more, and so have the feral apple trees that we glean from each year -- and while the bounty is great it's another sign that autumn is getting nearer and nearer.

We've been picking and freezing (or jamming or eating or drying) tons of apples, zucchini and raspberries, and soon there'll be pears and asian pears to pick as well, as the trees out front have fruit that is starting to finally ripen.

Unlike nature, I've made no progress on any of my real life projects - neither the rabbit cages or the fox skin that has been sitting in the freezer for about two months have been touched since before the trip, and I really need to tan the latter and finish building the former.

I'm sort of stuck like a deer in the headlights on the fox skin thing, since I have absolutely no idea what to do and haven't yet got up the courage to pull the thing out, defrost it, and go from there. The fox was the first and so far only thing I've skinned, and it was at the same time surprisingly easy and surprisingly hard. The skin peeled away from the meat without much fuss in most places, but the hardest part was making the first few cuts into the skin, since I'm not very strong and the skin was. The fox was a young, roadkilled dog and unfortunately his head had been ruined and ground into the asphalt by cars. However, the rest of the pelt was fine so we have a headless, pawless skin in the freezer to tan now. I think I'll call him Vincent. I'm also happy to say that, aside from the pulverized and disgusting head, the only thing that really bothered me about skinning the fox was the smell, though I did feel bad for the fox at least he didn't just rot on the side of the road. Now he's been a good learning experience (and proof for me that I could theoretically butcher rabbits at home, since I was pretty much completely fine with the guts and such) and he'll make a nice little pelt to hang on the wall once he's tanned.

The tanning part is the tough part though. I'll eventually get around to it.

At least I have a good reason for not working on the rabbit cages or the fox skin -- animating! I think I'll restart or possibly just give up on the Sherlock thing, but I've started another animation, this time to "El Paso" by Daniell Ate the Sandwich, a local singer/songwriting here. I've been getting more and more youtube subscribers (I'm at 81 right now) and I hope I can finish the short one minute twenty-five second AMV before or soon after I hit 100 subs, but who knows. At the moment it's just a nice way to get better at animating and I'm learning a lot!

We're also going (more trips, yay >:I) to California in a couple of weeks, so that might throw a wrench in my plans of finishing it before too long, especially at the pace I'm going at which... isn't that fast (on the other hand, I've become a master at procrastination).

The gardens are looking great and they are as wild and overgrown and lush as usual...

...But there's not much to say about them - plants aren't the most interesting of things. 

However, there is some chicken-related news...

They are fuzzy and feathery and loud and annoying and we've actually had them for a while now but they are still so cute!

The four new chicks are Baji, Anna, Castiel and Chipmunk; A light Brahma, a Rhode Island Red, a Black Sex Link and an Easter Egger, respectively.

They have been growing like weeds and are already close to pullet stage, and they love running around the yard picking at the grass and clover, though they aren't quite sure about what is good food and what is not - at the moment they all seem to think that dried leaves and bark chips are quite the delicious and rare find, but they'll learn in time.

Well, that's about all that's been going on around here lately, and I don't ever know how to end these, so, uh...

Have a good day, everyone?