Rabbit Feather Farm... got a nice ring to it, eh?
Alright, let me explain.
I've been thinking that I should have a sort of "mascot", I guess. And just earlier this night, I came up with what I think will be the perfect mascot. 75% Rabbit and 25% chicken... I present to you... THE ROOBIT. Or Chrabbot. Or Rastoor. I'm still kinda eh on it, but I think it's a start. I may play around with designs more. I was quite inspired by Jenna and her wolf with antlers, and I liked the fact that it was symbolic and meaninful to her as well as being her sort of mascot. I don't like the word mascot. Too sports-y. Anyway, I liked the symbolic-ness of her wolf with antlers, and I started tossing around ideas and sketching pages and pages of doodles and concepts. And I came up with the Rastoor, or perhaps the chicken-butted-rabbit? Not that it's very symbolic seeming, but I'm sure I could figure out someway it would be. I also figured I needed a name in case I was ever going to start really, seriously, farming. A name for my "farm". Rabbit Feather Farm. Not quite there though... Rabbit Feather Farms is better, but I don't think I'll be having more than one farm, if any, thank you. Rabbit Quill Farm... Rabbit Down Farm... Rabbit... what? Hmmm... I think I've been reading too much Coldantler Farm and it's getting to my head (I've been re-reading it from the start e.e). I'll try and see if I can come up with any other designs or names in the morning. I've stayed up too late again and my eyes are drooping.
In other news, we harvested 1 3/4 pounds of raspberries today -- and the berries in the back yard haven't even started to turn pink! I ate about half the bowl for breakfast. The rest was frozen; save for the way-too-mushy and squashed ones -- which were happily eaten.

Also, the freezer door won't close properly. Which is a problem. A very big problem.
Freezer doors aside, today was a good day. Breakfast was raspberries, lunch was random snacking on things (cornflakes mostly), and dinner was shiskabobs (zucchini, onions and scallion from the garden, grass-fed beef from a lady out in greely?, I think, and store-bought red peppers). The sunset was also nice. The clouds were mostly blue-greys and dull purples, but the undersides of some were stained bright violet as the sun sank lower and lower, past the mountains and into night.
Whoops, sorry, got a bit poetic there -- something I reserve for my fictional writing, where I'm trying to sound all stoic and writer-y. Ah well.
Rabbit Feather Farm... hmm... I'll have to think of a better name for that. Chicken-tail Farm? Hare-tail Farm? Rabbit-tail farm? Harefeather farm... oooh, that's a possibility. Rabbitplume. I like having the rabbit in there somewhere... Rabbit... Rabbit... urf. I dunno.
I should really go to bed now.
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